What is Land4Developers?

We are the UK's largest and most accurate database of genuine development opportunities with planning.

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We list around 15,000 opportunities, including a mix of building plots, renovations and conversions, with both single and multiple sites. We search throughout the UK to give you as much choice as possible - all collected in one place!

Not all plots are equal

A plot cannot be built on without planning permission - that's why we only list building opportunities with permission already in place.

We work hard so you don't have to!

We search through thousands of sources to add new opportunities daily, with a number of plots that you won't find anywhere else. Unlike other online land databases, we speak with our contributors regularly, making sure our information is kept accurate and up to date. Use our handy email alert system to guarantee you get the newest listings as soon as they come in!

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When you subscribe to Land4Developers you can also tap into BuildStores extensive experience of the self build and renovation market. We can offer developers Short Term Development Finance with up to 75% towards land purchase and 100% of build costs!