Demo Plot Report

PLOT NUMBER 62694 This is our reference number and should be used when contacting us.
PRICE The price of building opportunities will be displayed here. This is set by the seller and PlotSearch have no influence on this. PlotSearch charge no fees to the buyer or the seller.
PLOT ADDRESS Full address of the opportunity, including postcode to allow you to locate and make a site visit if required.
DATE ENTERED SYSTEM This is the date the opportunity was first entered onto the PlotSearch database. This will give an indication of the interest shown in an opportunity. If this is new on the market, you may have to move quickly to secure this opportunity. If the opportunity has been for sale for some time, you may use this to leverage any potential discount from the seller.
The current status of the plot as confirmed by the seller. Plots are removed once sold and contracts have exchanged. Plots remain under offer until contracts have exchanged (or missives concluded in Scotland).
This is the date that the seller was last contacted by the PlotSearch team to confirm the status of the plot.
Any restrictions or covenants for planning must be adhered to. Further information is available from the seller.
(example) "New vehicular access will have to be constructed from the main road into the site".
This is the person or company to call to arrange a viewing or to ask any further questions and finally make an offer to.
PLOT DESCRIPTION This is the description of what is for sale and is provided by the seller. For further information, please contact the seller.
COMMENTS This is the planning details provided by the seller. For further information, please contact the seller.
TYPE: | This is the type of opportunity and could be a plot, a conversion, a renovation or a combination of types. |
PLANNING: | The type of planning already obtained by the seller. OPP means Outline Planning Permission. DPP means Detailed Planning Permission. |
AREA: | This is the size of the plot as provided by the seller and is shown in square meters. |
SIZE: | This is the dimensions of the plot as provided by the seller and is shown in metres. |
MAIN GAS: | Yes | Details of any services that are available on site. It is important to know what is available and what is still required to allow you to include the cost in your project costings. |
DRAINAGE: | Mains | |
WATER: | Yes | |
AGENT NAME: Seller Name
TELEPHONE: 01234 567 890
ADDRESS: PlotSearch
8 Houstoun Interchange Business Park
EH54 5DW